Monday, February 1, 2010

Embarrassing Day...

...But not because I'm in Spain. Because I am just an idiot.

1. So to get through to the Metro you have to press your card on a reader and the doors will open. BUT you have to wait a few seconds after the last person goes through. I went to early, I thought the doors had just opened, but they were about to close. I slammed my knee at walking speed (imagine just walking into a wall) into the waist-high glass doors. I was surprised the glass didn't break, really.
2. I sat in the back row of Historia Contemporanea de Espana and attempted to lean back where I hit my head against the wall. Many heads turned.

I booked my Semana Santa travels, finally! Although the phone calls to RyanAir totaled 9 Euros, I don't care! March 25 - April 6: Milan, Venice, Slovenia, and Cagliari!!! Also, I booked the weekend to Alicante, round trip 26 Euros to meet Janet Yockers (who was with me in London you avid blog readers). So far it's just Micah and myself, but Phil may join us on the Santa trip. Now we need to book some trains, Milan to Venice, and Venice to Slovenia, and some hostels... :) And the Morocco trip is March 19-22. Three great weekends/weeks in a row!!

I'm going to try to get Mom and Pops out here and will start looking at cheap flights to southern Italy.

Classes went better today. I'm starting to understand my Spanish history class a bit better. The first day there were 25 students, second day 17, what does that tell you? Finance should be simps, same with Managing Cultural Diversity. Nap time. Adios!


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