Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Study Day

Today is a study day. I had two midterms yesterday for Business Spanish and Managing Cultural Diversity. Tomorrow I have Contemporary History of Spain and Fiannce. The exams yesterday were easier than expected so I am less nervous about my history class now. Apparently he will just ask us 1 question for the hour and twenty minutes and we just start writing... It's 1030 AM as I write this and I have opted to miss my tutoring session and my Bible study to give me more time to study. After breakfast and some time in the Word I shall begin!

I just sent an email to Eloisa, the English teacher that I work with at Colegio Claret, the elementary school, with the 4-year-old kids. This Thursday they are going to Mundo PArk, a zoo in Seville and I have the option to go along for the full 9-5 day. Here is the site: http://www.zoodesevilla.es/ I will probably go regardless but did ask her if I have to pay (the site says general admission is 15 euros) and what my responsabilities would be.

I go to Alicante in three days! Alicante is on the east coast of Spain, south of Valencia and Barcelona. Woo hoo! I love traveling every weekend! After Alicante, the following weekend I am in Morocco, and then after Morocco I will be in Italy for a week!

I am still trying to communicate with my parents about logistics for their trip in April. Hopefully things work out for them! Adios.


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