Saturday, May 15, 2010

Reflection Post I

Best Moments Studying Abroad (No particular order):
1. Laying on the grass, staring up at the eiffel tower on our final night in Paris. Being amongst friends.
2. My first bike ride through the streets of Seville.
3. Hiking from the city down to the river in Ronda
4. Meeting my host family
5. The long bike ride with my parents through all of Seville.
6. The Moroccan Hammam with the guys and getting scrubbed down
7. Watching fireworks during Feria de Abril
8. Reaching the secluded Faro beach in Portugal with Micah
9. Seeing my parents in the Seville train station
10. Spending time with Zach, Peter, Nels and Janet in London and Bath
11. The shower power in Faro
12. Arriving in Venice and seeing it's beauty
13. Climbing the wall in Granada and really realizing that I am ABROAD

Worst Moments Studying Abroad:
1. Leaving my parents and Anne in Wisconsin Rapids (drive to airport included)
2. Getting a C+ on my first test
3. Leaving London (I was very nervous)
4. Vikings losing while I was in Granada watching the game until 4 AM outside the windows of a bar.
5. Being sick in Venice and Slovenia
6. Getting sunburned in Cagliari
7. Parents leaving Madrid for USA
8. Alicante - still enjoyable but definitely the worst weekend trip I did.
9. Going out until 3 AM to nightclubs the first weekend in Seville. Never did again - just not my lifestyle.

Food Cravings:
1. Chocolate milk
2. Regular milk
3. Pancakes
4. Waffles
5. Scrambled Eggs
6. Cereal
7. Mountain Dew
8. Bacon
9. Hashbrowns
10. Salads
11. Having the ability to CHOOSE my meal.

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