Monday, February 15, 2010

Madrid-Toledo-Madrid II

Sunday Sunday Sunday
Another cool day. Oh, by the way, Madrid was very cold. Anyways, we started off the day by heading to the Rastro, a huge flea market of sorts that takes place every Sunday. I got a red, striped hooded sweatshirt for 15 Euros after unsuccessful bartering. We then went to Museo Prado for our final museum stop. It was interesting, but again very tiring. I think that to appreciate a museum such as Reina Sofia or Prado, you need to be fully rested, have an entire day, have an appreciation for the arts, and have never been to any museum in over a month. None of those are true of me. In Sofia Reina, we visted about 1 and half floors, of four, in Prado, one of four. Each visits took about two hours. We finished off our time in Madrid by heading to Palacio Real. We caught the 6 PM bus heading back to Madrid. I got my homework down, quiet time, listened to a sermon, and read some of the book Miracles by C.S. Lewis. Heck, I have 6 hours. However, three Spanish kids about my age elected to either prank call friends (on speaker phone) or listen to music off their phone (no headphones). I could have gotten much more done, but it was quite a distraction. Getting back into Seville we were happy to be "home" but unhappy to come back into a downpour (I was going to purchase a bike pass and we were going to head back). Instead, we took a taxi. It is supposed to rain the next week or so, hopefully not if we try to go hiking and camping next weekend.

After each weekend, Micah and I chalk it up to a success if we make it back with all of our expensive items such as cameras, phones, etc. and if we are safe. Another successful weekend.

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