Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hey, Americans!

Wow, soooo books in Spain are actually very cheap. Instead of having the students purchase textbooks, profs assemble articles and book chapters in the copy center and bind these pages. I bought three "books" (all I need for the semester) for 32 Euros. Today I talked to Ana about the time differences in the U.S. and how I normally eat at 11:30 or noon and hence was very hungry when we hadn't had lunch by 3. She had a good laugh when I said my parents go to bed at around 10. Gustavo doesn't eat with us at 9:30 PM for dinner because he says he's not hungry and it's too early.

Micah and I did some reading about Faro. We thought it was closer to the Atlantic Ocean coast, but is actually looking out onto 150 square miles of wetlands and islands, how cool! You can take a ferry to the island for 3 euros and go exploring! Needless to say, we're excited for the trip.

Tonight Micah, Jackie (from Texas) and myself went to a bar called Levies where I choked by overlooking the Tea menu and settling on a Coke Zero. Should have gone with green tea. This place is very close to La Carboneria, where we were going to watch live flamenco in a few minutes. Just then we see three Northface-wearing, map-holding American girls who were clearly looking for La Carboneria (its very tough to find). We simply called out, "Hey, Americans." They responded with "Is it that obvious?" They are studying in Alcala de Heneres near Madrid, here for the weekend. So they joined us on our way to Flamenco and the night was pretty fun. The three of us walked back because the metro had closed by 12:30... it was a nice night and about a 30 minute walk. It was great being to discuss spirituality with them. People on this trip are so open to it and it continually encourages me to learn more, get in the Word more, listen to more sermons, read more about Chirstianity, develop more relationships, and build a heart for God's people.

Tomorrow Micah and I are going for a run in Seville at 10:00. My next post will come on Sunday! Hasta Luego.


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